Birds Are More Than Appearances

Some people think that having birds, as pets, is a good idea. Others think that birds should not live in the same living quarters as humans. Despite both sides, there are some major risks that come with being around birds. Birds are notorious for carrying diseases in...

Chimney Swifts…Cute But Dangerous

Those who have a chimney know there are risks of animals coming into the chimney flue. There are quite a few animals that will make homes out of your chimney when it is not in use. These animals include birds, raccoons, squirrels, and bats. Out of all these animals,...

Preparation for Hurricane Season

Hurricanes are no joke for the southern states, especially along the coastline. With hurricanes, there will be structural damage to the home and the chimney. Chimneys are normally able to withstand the elements, they are not indestructible. Fierce winds, heavy rains,...

Tell Signs Of A Replacement or Repair

Most think that a chimney is part of your home, in reality, it plays a significant role in ensuring you, your family, and your property’s safety. A chimney directs noxious gases, heat, and fumes safely out of the home. That is the main reason why the chimney...

Chimney & Fireplace Repairs for Pensacola

Quirky but surprising town, Pensacola is constantly changing. There is the beach, the Blue Angels, and an amazing downtown area, but there is more to the story. This is where turbines for wind generators are made and there is an ‘international’ airport....