Chimney Swifts in Chimney

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, many people are using their time at the house to knock-out their errands that usually do not get done. Have you changed the water filter in your fridge? Did you forget to clean out your dryer vent? When is the last time your driveway got pressure washed? Cleaning may seem insignificant, but we need to do it regardless! Let us add one to your list, which is arguably the most important. Do you know if a chimney sweep has cleaned and inspected your chimney? A chimney sweep is a perfect chore to have someone else, like a chimney sweep, do! Chimney sweeping is tedious, dirty, and dangerous. These tradesmen and technicians have years of experience with equipment and working on roofs to carry out necessary chimney sweeps. Why do we need chimney sweeps? . The inspection allows a chimney sweep to notice if there is a chimney leak, animals inside the chimney, or any other issues that may affect the home or your health. A chimney sweep is vital to protecting your home. Without proper cleaning, a chimney has a higher chance of catching fire or damaging your home and belongings. While you still have all this spare time to clean during quarantine, do not forget to have your chimney inspected this year. You never know what needs to be cleaned until you get a look at how dirty it really is.

Make Sure Your Chimney is Clean! Give Sootmaster a Call!